Thursday, April 1, 2010

Welcome to The Attract Inner Well-Being Audio Coaching Package!

Join Maria Lesetz and Leeza Robertson in a relaxed yet informative presentation on how to attract inner well-being to your life. This Audio package is designed to not only clear the resistance in your body, but to set you up with the tools to stay clear and easily attract the life you dream of experiencing.

You have probably heard a lot of people talking about getting clear, but what does that actually mean? For this course we mean feeling a clean, peaceful energy on all levels of your life experience ... mentally, physically and spiritually. This is also the three levels on which resistance resides. Getting clear of resistance paves the way for you to stop attracting things you don’t want and start attracting the things you do want.

As a result of listening to this Audio program you will learn how to:

* Clear resistance in your body so you can attract better health and well-being.

* Uncover and remove blockages that have stopped you from achieving your goals.

* Truly love your body as it is and watch how this one acceptance manifests a healthier mind, body and spirit.

* Be able to identify your resistance triggers and learn how to use them as catalysts for change and growth.

* Be at peace with where you are at and love life NOW so that the doors of opportunity and positive change open up with ease.

Not only will you get the two amazing audios but you will receive

* Monthly subscription to Maria's Lovin' Life E-zine where you will receive ongoing valuable tips and tools to help you to be Lovin' Life and attracting great health, no matter what bump in the road you may be facing in your life.

* In addition, as a result of your subscription to the Lovin' Life e-zine you will receive two very special bonuses:

1) Exclusive Full-Interview Access to The Happy-Healthy Connection: The Law of Attraction Way to Create Your Ideal Body (a $97 value!)

2) A bonus article entitled "Worries Be Gone: The Top 5 Tips to Worry Less & Be Lovin' Life More Each Day!"

Throughout this audio program you will hear many ways of how to ...

* Turn the tool of acceptance into an empowering catalyst for change and possibility.

* Identify resistant triggers in your life and how they manifest into your body.

Maria and Leeza will teach you how to move into the "pure-positive-energy" Law of Attraction stream and out of the up stream current of resistance.

You will also learn how to see obstacles as possibilities for life changing transformation.

Not only do Maria Lesetz and Leeza Robertson have life experience to back up the collection of tools they will pass onto you, they are both working with people everyday in all three of these areas and seeing amazing results.

In the first Audio - General Health & Wellness, Maria Lesetz will share with how she turned her diagnosis of MS in 2002 into just another bump in the road of life and is now experiencing amazing health as a result of her MindSet.

Leeza will share with you how she overcame her obstacles with pneumonia and asthma and how you can apply the same methods she used to make a significant shift in your own health.

You will learn HOW to attract great health by learning how to shift your mindset to a wellness mindset, like Maria & Leeza did.

In the second Audio- Body image / Weight loss / Attracting a healthy & fit body, Maria & Leeza will discuss the correlation between the resistance you hold on to and the physical fitness level of your body.

They will discuss a unique approach to having a healthy happy body image and how embracing that approach will attract a healthier and fit body!

The information given in this Audio is not just another weight loss program. It is information you more than likely have not heard before, as Maria and Leeza approach getting healthy in ways others usually forget to mention.

Meanwhile, the MindSet is the most powerful tool you have to attract a healthy and fit body. Without it, your success will not be permanent.

* Learn more about cravings and how to listen to your body.

*Discover how to identify what is a healthy happy body for you, not something else.

This Audio program is unique as it takes a holistic approach to health, wellness and happiness.

If you are really looking to make changes in your life experience then this audio program is for you.

Don’t allow the limiting belief of others hinder you on your path to happiness and great health. Start the rest of your life today and attract the inner wellbeing you have longed for by investing in this audio program. You will feel like you have Maria & Leeza sitting in your living room, coaching you on your own personal road trip to wellness!

This complete audio program is ONLY a $39.95 investment in your health, happiness and wellbeing.

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